
Marion County Schools Business Office

It is the goal of the Business Office to provide services in compliance with Mississippi laws and regulations. We strive to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of the Marion County School District and its employees. The Business Office oversees the receipt and disbursement of all school district funds.

The Business Office is responsible for the following areas:

  • Budget Development and Maintenance of Budget:  Each year the budget is developed, presented to the public, and approved by the School Board. The budget is monitored on a regular basis.
  • Accounts Payable/Purchasing:  All bills and claims are processed through a purchase order/invoice system. These expenditures relate directly to the district’s budget. All regular bills and claims are paid once a month after board approval.
  • Payroll and Employee Benefits:  Payroll handles all issues relating to employees, their benefits, and monthly payment of wages.
  • Fixed Assets:  All assets are maintained and audited on an annual basis. Random fixed asset audits are done throughout the fiscal year.
  • 16thSection Lands:  16th Section deals with the leasing of public land held in trust for the benefit of the schools.

Finance Director


  • Nicole May - Payroll/Insurance Clerk
  • Margie Teston– Purchasing/Accounts Payable
  • Rose Smith – Receptionist/ Bookkeeper
  • Bo Williams - 16th Section Land Manager
  • Melinda Robbins - District/ESSER Bookkeeper


     Phone: 601-736-7193